Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and knows that this journey will end with His death on the
cross. As Jesus nears the city, He tells two disciples to go ahead to the next city of Bethphage and to look for a donkey
and a colt tied there. He further instructs the disciples to bring the donkeys to Him and if anyone asks what the disciples
are doing, they are to tell them that the Lord needs it. (Here in this statement, Jesus is declaring His Lordship).
The disciples do as Jesus says and Jesus rides the colt into Jerusalem. As Jesus enters everyone throws their cloaks
and palm branches on the ground shouting Hosanna in celebration of His arrival. Word has spread that Jesus raised Lazarus
from the dead. Everyone is excited that He has arrived in Jerusalem. (Everyone except the pharisees). This
begins the week before the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus.
March 25, 2012:
Where is your mission field? If the world can hear about Joseph Kony in 2 weeks through social media,
how can we share Jesus? Our focus will be on Romans 10. The next several weeks will be a 'mission' in theory. Don't
miss out on this great adventure as we take a deeper look at the call and the methods available to share the gospel.
March 18, 2012:
Youth Remedy had the privelege of meetng John and Isabelle, Brazillian missionaries
and hearing their story.
March 11, 2012:
A generation that will not settle for the world! Take the World and give us JESUS!
Social Media and how the world is changing as a result. Joseph Kony story:
Joseph Kony: Brutal warlord who shocked world
March 09, 2012|By Hilary Whiteman, CNN
If Joseph Kony wasn't the most wanted man in the world, he may be now.
In the past week, a documentary detailing accusations of vile acts committed by the Ugandan warlord has
spread like wildfire on social media (at the time of writing it has had more than 50 million views), prompting international
outrage and a groundswell of support for his capture.
In the documentary, "Kony 2012," which was posted online by the U.S.-based group Invisible Children, the
tales of atrocities are horrifying: armed supporters force abducted children to kill their own parents, brutal mutilations
include the hacking off of lips and limbs, and the sexual slavery of young girls stolen from their families. The group says
its aim is to raise awareness and bring Kony to justice.
While some critics question whether the film captures the full scope of the conflict, one matter is without
debate: Kony now ranks as one of the International Criminal Court's most wanted men, facing arrest on charges of crimes against
humanity after a 26-year campaign of brutality in his failed bid to overthrow the Ugandan government.
How did Kony rise to power?
Kony, a former altar boy, was a young man in his early 20s when he was caught in the storm of violence
that marked the final years of Milton Obote's presidency.
Obote was deposed in a military coup in 1985, and soon after Yoweri Museveni's National Resistance Army
(NRA) seized power. Kony's Lord's Resistance Army was among those who rose up against Museveni's NRA.
Kony was a spiritual leader, known as a healer among the Acholi people. He inherited a powerful support
base from Alice Lakwena, a spirit-medium.
Lakwena's followers would "daub themselves in shea butter crosses which they believed would protect them
from bullets and they believed that stones would explode like grenades," explains Matthew Green, author of "The Wizard of
the Nile - The Hunt for Africa's Most Wanted," about Kony.
"It was a mystical rebellion," Green says, adding that Kony "was very much an inheritor of her mantle."
Lakwena fled to Kenya after Museveni's forces launched a brutal attack on her and her followers.
Staying in northern Uganda, Kony rallied Lakwena's remaining supporters and recruited more with a powerful
mix of mythical claims, charisma and unconscionable violence.
What is Kony like?
Green describes being one of the few journalists to ever meet Kony when the rebel leader briefly emerged
from his jungle hideout in 2006. "Although he was surrounded by phalanxes of child soldiers with Kalashnikov rifles and bayonets
fixed to them, he actually looked terrified of meeting strangers," Green said.
Despite Kony's apparent fear and paranoia, Green says the rebel leader was charismatic and clearly a "very
powerful orator" when speaking to his people.
"He had an almost musical voice as he spoke in his Acholi language and you could see that the people listening
were completely captivated."
What are Kony's tactics?
If Kony attracted supporters through his "mystical powers" and charisma, he kept them through fear.
"Certainly the violence is what made his movement so terrifying," Green says. "These attacks were carried
out often with machetes or clubs and the violence was designed with a very clear political purpose. It was designed to illustrate
to the people in northern Uganda that the government of President Museveni could not protect them."
Kony's forces are believed to have abducted thousands of children to join his cause -- however the exact
number is unconfirmed. At the height of the violence during the mid-2000s, parents tried to protect their children from harm
by sending them to sleep in towns, away from Kony's ruthless kidnappers.
Brutal punishments were inflicted on those who were accused of disloyalty by an increasingly paranoid
leader, Green says. "Kony once gave an order that anyone caught riding a bicycle should have their legs cut off. Bicycles
were a very common means of transport in rural areas and he was worried that informers, if they saw the rebels, would rapidly
pedal away and alert the nearest army post."
And similarly he would cut off people's hands as a kind of warning not to raise any hands against the
rebels," Green adds.
How organized is the Lord's Resistance Army?
Kony created the Lord's Resistance Army with the intention to lead, based on his version of the Ten Commandments.
Since then it has grown into a "disciplined fighting force," says Green, explaining that its members occupy a rank and are
rewarded for loyalty.
Kony has been able to maintain his hold over them with his mix of self-proclaimed spiritual powers and
military strategy, Ned Dalby, Central Africa researcher with the International Crisis Group, said in a 2011 interview with
"He cultivates this image of himself as a medium for the power of the spirit and at other times, he presents
himself as a ruthless military leader. So he's able to maintain cohesion as a group and maintain the loyalty of his fighters,"
Dalby said.
He noted that some former LRA fighters from northern Uganda have given clues as to why some outside the
group stayed loyal to Kony. "They expressed the feeling that because they were given a rank, they were given a certain purpose,
and respect and authority," Dalby says. "And then, once they're outside the LRA, they find they've become just another poor
person, trying to survive."
The documentary:
A quote from the KONY2012 video says: " Our goal is to change the conversation of our culture,
and get people to ask 'Who is Joseph Kony?" This video released less than 3 weeks ago has had over 100 Million views
between Youtube and Vimeo as of this posting! If we can get the name of "Joseph Kony" in to the presence of 100 Million
viewers...what can we do for Jesus? Can we change the conversation of our culture to make a stand for Jesus Christ?
Everyone professes to know who Jesus is, but if that were truly the case, how can our culture not acknowledge Him, not honor
Him, and not be passionate about the life changing transformation that only He can offer our culture? How can we get the name
of Jesus and the gospel of the good news into the presence of 100 Million + people? This generation has so many tools
for spreading His Word ~ let's use them! Tell someone today who Jesus is to you! Tell someone today how Jesus
can change 'their' life. Share with someone today the greatest hope every given to mankind.
John 14:6 '6Jesus answered, “I
am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 3:16-18 "16 For God so loved the world that he gave
his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does
not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son."
John 17:3 "3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you,
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. "
John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have
come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
March 4: No regular YR. We will be heading to Northside Baptist Church
for the Silver Ring Thing instead. Check out full details on the calendar page.
February 26: Reflection on Friendship Sunday
February 19: preparation for 'Friendship Sunday".
February 12: Lock in follow up discussion. Come prepared to share what
'worked' what 'didn't work' what we could have done better or what was a huge success! We did see 39 students accept
Christ and that calls for a celebration!
February 5: We will be viewing a movie that shares Tim Tebows testimony.
We will have all the football goodies to go with it. It is Super Bowl Sunday. Our intent is to use the day as
a super testimony Sunday as we challenge each and everyone to give some thought to their own testimony and ways to share it.
1Thessalonians 2:1-8
"1 You know, brothers and sisters, that our
visit to you was not without results. 2 We had previously suffered and been treated
outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong
opposition. 3 For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives,
nor are we trying to trick you. 4 On the contrary, we speak as those approved
by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts. 5 You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness.
6 We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even
though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority. 7 Instead, we
were like young childrenamong you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her
children, 8 so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. "
January 8 - January 29 will be preparation each Sunday night for our WINTER LOCK IN: "SEEK" FEB 3-4.
The Lock in will be student lead as always. If you would like to be a part
of the ministry team for lock in, you MUST attend all Youth Remedy times and additional preparation times. Those who
do not participate in preparation will not be allowed to participate in leading the lock in.